Csontvázkalózok a vulkánok térségéből (2012.02.17-2012.02.20)

Kategória: 'Archív: Főhadiszállás', témanyitó: Siljagen, témanyitás ideje: 23.11.13.

Kedves Fórum-Olvasónk!

Abban az esetben, ha aktívan részt szeretnél venni a fórum életében és szeretnél kérdezni a játékkal kapcsolatban, vagy beszélgetni szeretnél játékostársaiddal, be kell jelentkezz a játékba, majd onnan a fórumba. Ha még nincs felhasználói fiókod a játékban, akkor készítened kell egy új regisztrációt. „A játékhoz“
Téma állapota:
Nem lehet további válaszokat küldeni.
  1. Siljagen

    Siljagen Haladó

    Ahoj Kalózok!

    Fontos jelentés: az ellenséges csontvázkalózok a vulkánok térségéből támadást indítottak, érkezésük február 17. 12:00 óra és február 20. 11:59 között várható. Nincs más lehetőség: vissza kell őket szorítani, ha nem akartok mindannyian ágyútöltelékként bevégeztetni…

    Szerencsére sikerült néhány gyenge pontjukat kikémlelni:
    • A jég- és hógolyó lőszer 25%-kal több kárt okoznak
    • Kartácsgolyó 25%-kal több sebzést okoz
    • Csillagtűz robanás dupla sebzést okoz
    • Csillagtűz villám pedig 50%-kal lelassítja őket
    Egy ellenséges hajó kilövéséért a megszerzett elitpontokon kívül függően az ellenfeled erejétől rangsorpontokat kapsz, amely hozzásegíthet a különleges Magmor Designhoz:
    • Syanite-Event: 1 rangpont
    • Nerus-Event: 1 rangpont
    • Boreas-Event: 1 rangpont
    • Magmor-Event: 3 rangpont
    • Notos-Event: 4 rangpont
    • Admiral Quintor-Event: 30 rangpont (az utolsó lövésért és a legtöbb sebzésért)
    • Vuur-Event: 0 rangpont
    De ez még nem minden! Szerverenként az első 5 helyezett nyerheti meg a designt, valamint további 10 designt is véletlenszerűen kifogunk sorsolni.


    Ágyúkat megtölteni, irány a csata!

    Fontos információk: A design jóváírása, valamint a győztesek értesítése a jövő hétre tehető, rögtön az esemény után. Azokon a szervereken, melyeken az új weboldal fut sajnos az esemény nem fog elindulni. Egész Európa 3, Németország 3 és Egész Európa 5 szervereken az eseményt meg fogjuk ismételni a jövő hónap során. Ezzel kapcsolatban elnézéseteket és megértéseteket kérjük.

    A Seafight csapata
  2. Siljagen

    Siljagen Haladó


    a designok jóváírása még pénteken, azaz február 24-én megtörtént. A nyertesek névsorát a későbbiek folyamán fogjuk nyilvánosságra hozni.
  3. Siljagen

    Siljagen Haladó

    Global Europe 1

    569752 one of the top 5 winners!
    885952 one of the top 5 winners!
    4480631 one of the top 5 winners!
    11860835 one of the top 5 winners!
    15576548 one of the top 5 winners!
    15029750 one of the random top 200 winners
    8130879 one of the random top 200 winners
    3604689 one of the random top 200 winners
    13907566 one of the random top 200 winners
    33514829 one of the random top 200 winners
    20923163 one of the random top 200 winners
    11677304 one of the random top 200 winners
    15240212 one of the random top 200 winners
    12773042 one of the random top 200 winners
    1126552 one of the random top 200 winners

    Global Europe 2

    19065452 one of the top 5 winners!
    19814640 one of the top 5 winners!
    22744467 one of the top 5 winners!
    24047248 one of the top 5 winners!
    25376540 one of the top 5 winners!
    20933928 one of the random top 200 winners
    22094880 one of the random top 200 winners
    18940272 one of the random top 200 winners
    18507401 one of the random top 200 winners
    22600618 one of the random top 200 winners
    26524867 one of the random top 200 winners
    22534790 one of the random top 200 winners
    23702785 one of the random top 200 winners
    31741990 one of the random top 200 winners
    26225831 one of the random top 200 winners

    Global Europe 4

    34396428 one of the random top 200 winners
    34347867 one of the top 5 winners!
    34411074 one of the top 5 winners!
    35852301 one of the top 5 winners!
    37002594 one of the top 5 winners!
    38590759 one of the random top 200 winners
    36720388 one of the random top 200 winners
    35328967 one of the random top 200 winners
    34267118 one of the random top 200 winners
    34654952 one of the random top 200 winners
    34956745 one of the random top 200 winners
    34677224 one of the random top 200 winners
    34188061 one of the random top 200 winners
    36764461 one of the random top 200 winners
    35793551 one of the random top 200 winners

    Global America 1

    10251573 one of the top 5 winners!
    14531298 one of the top 5 winners!
    24841668 one of the top 5 winners!
    37712594 one of the top 5 winners!
    32487661 one of the top 5 winners!
    10446370 one of the random top 200 winners
    20019512 one of the random top 200 winners
    10452248 one of the random top 200 winners
    31977098 one of the random top 200 winners
    29747040 one of the random top 200 winners
    7246050 one of the random top 200 winners
    10196173 one of the random top 200 winners
    33906336 one of the random top 200 winners
    22868365 one of the random top 200 winners
    29424939 one of the random top 200 winners

    Global America 2

    35464402 one of the top 5 winners!
    35483349 one of the top 5 winners!
    35521855 one of the top 5 winners!
    35843165 one of the top 5 winners!
    37645199 one of the top 5 winners!
    36067464 one of the random top 200 winners
    35519489 one of the random top 200 winners
    35555868 one of the random top 200 winners
    36451686 one of the random top 200 winners
    38457240 one of the random top 200 winners
    35472103 one of the random top 200 winners
    36939495 one of the random top 200 winners
    36544438 one of the random top 200 winners
    36946776 one of the random top 200 winners
    39493218 one of the random top 200 winners

    Global Asia 1

    28107631 one of the top 5 winners!
    28269180 one of the top 5 winners!
    28799231 one of the top 5 winners!
    29052086 one of the top 5 winners!
    36927733 one of the top 5 winners!
    29569333 one of the random top 200 winners
    40691490 one of the random top 200 winners
    38000166 one of the random top 200 winners
    34527687 one of the random top 200 winners
    34496881 one of the random top 200 winners
    27817468 one of the random top 200 winners
    30103100 one of the random top 200 winners
    25998141 one of the random top 200 winners
    29914402 one of the random top 200 winners
    26261049 one of the random top 200 winners

    England 1

    12907085 one of the random top 200 winners
    13388759 one of the top 5 winners!
    14567704 one of the top 5 winners!
    19886961 one of the top 5 winners!
    28392004 one of the top 5 winners!
    11092593 one of the random top 200 winners
    24276657 one of the random top 200 winners
    15692526 one of the random top 200 winners
    25975501 one of the random top 200 winners
    14950987 one of the random top 200 winners
    16970418 one of the random top 200 winners
    15189158 one of the random top 200 winners
    16824009 one of the random top 200 winners
    23681753 one of the random top 200 winners
    13125690 one of the random top 200 winners

    France 1

    5971792 one of the top 5 winners!
    9379685 one of the top 5 winners!
    13372221 one of the top 5 winners!
    14186701 one of the top 5 winners!
    29033632 one of the top 5 winners!
    20379597 one of the random top 200 winners
    3209495 one of the random top 200 winners
    14791616 one of the random top 200 winners
    2032168 one of the random top 200 winners
    13423452 one of the random top 200 winners
    13999629 one of the random top 200 winners
    33017926 one of the random top 200 winners
    19038651 one of the random top 200 winners
    3558901 one of the random top 200 winners
    3562586 one of the random top 200 winners

    France 2

    14310539 one of the top 5 winners!
    15535701 one of the top 5 winners!
    16296653 one of the top 5 winners!
    22385870 one of the top 5 winners!
    28542818 one of the top 5 winners!
    17708117 one of the random top 200 winners
    18216319 one of the random top 200 winners
    13653859 one of the random top 200 winners
    24602079 one of the random top 200 winners
    17180822 one of the random top 200 winners
    18273751 one of the random top 200 winners
    17979682 one of the random top 200 winners
    13555578 one of the random top 200 winners
    15257818 one of the random top 200 winners
    12899259 one of the random top 200 winners

    France 3

    27444882 one of the top 5 winners!
    27686959 one of the top 5 winners!
    27805913 one of the top 5 winners!
    31218972 one of the top 5 winners!
    33403246 one of the top 5 winners!
    34210345 one of the random top 200 winners
    34283135 one of the random top 200 winners
    34877474 one of the random top 200 winners
    39968921 one of the random top 200 winners
    30122474 one of the random top 200 winners
    30842316 one of the random top 200 winners
    39391830 one of the random top 200 winners
    34041528 one of the random top 200 winners
    34373860 one of the random top 200 winners
    27444594 one of the random top 200 winners

    Germany 1

    2387642 one of the top 5 winners!
    9711831 one of the top 5 winners!
    10045592 one of the top 5 winners!
    17677159 one of the top 5 winners!
    37534709 one of the top 5 winners!
    32193810 one of the random top 200 winners
    4038704 one of the random top 200 winners
    4093017 one of the random top 200 winners
    2932322 one of the random top 200 winners
    11767257 one of the random top 200 winners
    21187953 one of the random top 200 winners
    5024234 one of the random top 200 winners
    11895980 one of the random top 200 winners
    11490434 one of the random top 200 winners
    11308314 one of the random top 200 winners

    Germany 2

    12634717 one of the top 5 winners!
    17459384 one of the random top 200 winners
    20347189 one of the top 5 winners!
    22913614 one of the top 5 winners!
    27380871 one of the top 5 winners!
    19434420 one of the random top 200 winners
    12628916 one of the random top 200 winners
    14285776 one of the random top 200 winners
    21086491 one of the random top 200 winners
    22786848 one of the random top 200 winners
    13633777 one of the random top 200 winners
    17356752 one of the random top 200 winners
    14423899 one of the random top 200 winners
    30843141 one of the random top 200 winners
    26661568 one of the random top 200 winners

    Germany 3

    28623785 one of the top 5 winners!
    30301347 one of the top 5 winners!
    33196358 one of the top 5 winners!
    34282501 one of the top 5 winners!
    26835393 one of the random top 200 winners
    26574255 one of the random top 200 winners
    26366593 one of the random top 200 winners
    25704288 one of the random top 200 winners
    32550269 one of the random top 200 winners
    28441979 one of the random top 200 winners
    33629856 one of the random top 200 winners
    33090322 one of the random top 200 winners
    27357525 one of the random top 200 winners
    31148727 one of the random top 200 winners
    37316539 one of the random top 200 winners

    Germany 4

    35463095 one of the top 5 winners!
    35766200 one of the top 5 winners!
    36813537 one of the top 5 winners!
    37367594 one of the top 5 winners!
    39566343 one of the top 5 winners!
    37409788 one of the random top 200 winners
    39352942 one of the random top 200 winners
    35381229 one of the random top 200 winners
    35677322 one of the random top 200 winners
    37939659 one of the random top 200 winners
    36922157 one of the random top 200 winners
    36568540 one of the random top 200 winners
    39290092 one of the random top 200 winners
    35218151 one of the random top 200 winners
    38033387 one of the random top 200 winners

    Italy 1

    11700338 one of the top 5 winners!
    11928584 one of the top 5 winners!
    14894736 one of the top 5 winners!
    14921625 one of the top 5 winners!
    17284376 one of the top 5 winners!
    15718712 one of the random top 200 winners
    14236968 one of the random top 200 winners
    14931173 one of the random top 200 winners
    11755208 one of the random top 200 winners
    23694676 one of the random top 200 winners
    17938518 one of the random top 200 winners
    2175700 one of the random top 200 winners
    27139985 one of the random top 200 winners
    27512287 one of the random top 200 winners
    6693415 one of the random top 200 winners

    Italy 2

    27845428 one of the top 5 winners!
    30712143 one of the top 5 winners!
    32634055 one of the top 5 winners!
    33636922 one of the top 5 winners!
    36026754 one of the top 5 winners!
    30662672 one of the random top 200 winners
    31157334 one of the random top 200 winners
    38032825 one of the random top 200 winners
    27604967 one of the random top 200 winners
    27591696 one of the random top 200 winners
    27591084 one of the random top 200 winners
    27600700 one of the random top 200 winners
    27952477 one of the random top 200 winners
    33924887 one of the random top 200 winners
    38019504 one of the random top 200 winners

    Latin America 1 (PT/BR)

    19610351 one of the top 5 winners!
    21021958 one of the top 5 winners!
    21031626 one of the top 5 winners!
    21238421 one of the top 5 winners!
    25953773 one of the top 5 winners!
    23224053 one of the random top 200 winners
    26374832 one of the random top 200 winners
    24434337 one of the random top 200 winners
    23721243 one of the random top 200 winners
    26294148 one of the random top 200 winners
    20878863 one of the random top 200 winners
    22332107 one of the random top 200 winners
    31425382 one of the random top 200 winners
    23074238 one of the random top 200 winners
    22182157 one of the random top 200 winners

    Latin America 2 (ES)

    19673556 one of the top 5 winners!
    21016130 one of the top 5 winners!
    24252211 one of the top 5 winners!
    24459098 one of the top 5 winners!
    32913111 one of the top 5 winners!
    21946268 one of the random top 200 winners
    32877796 one of the random top 200 winners
    22695787 one of the random top 200 winners
    27004044 one of the random top 200 winners
    37406001 one of the random top 200 winners
    19622351 one of the random top 200 winners
    21367382 one of the random top 200 winners
    38130401 one of the random top 200 winners
    35143308 one of the random top 200 winners
    25218657 one of the random top 200 winners

    Netherlands 1

    25502607 one of the top 5 winners!
    25674650 one of the top 5 winners!
    26816272 one of the top 5 winners!
    34336965 one of the top 5 winners!
    34337030 one of the top 5 winners!
    25261640 one of the random top 200 winners
    25157039 one of the random top 200 winners
    25832964 one of the random top 200 winners
    26495586 one of the random top 200 winners
    26807456 one of the random top 200 winners
    31669772 one of the random top 200 winners
    26018505 one of the random top 200 winners
    33242262 one of the random top 200 winners
    36991481 one of the random top 200 winners
    25148234 one of the random top 200 winners

    Poland 1

    9826349 one of the top 5 winners!
    32487661 one of the top 5 winners!
    10387216 one of the random top 200 winners
    13881043 one of the top 5 winners!
    18457466 one of the top 5 winners!
    17403270 one of the random top 200 winners
    12281393 one of the random top 200 winners
    13974099 one of the random top 200 winners
    26574059 one of the random top 200 winners
    7237105 one of the random top 200 winners
    14694015 one of the random top 200 winners
    28310402 one of the random top 200 winners
    12917237 one of the random top 200 winners
    24719314 one of the random top 200 winners
    8854621 one of the random top 200 winners

    Poland 2

    34165946 one of the top 5 winners!
    34243892 one of the top 5 winners!
    34656943 one of the top 5 winners!
    34752804 one of the top 5 winners!
    35217840 one of the top 5 winners!
    34667974 one of the random top 200 winners
    36901215 one of the random top 200 winners
    38424470 one of the random top 200 winners
    34975660 one of the random top 200 winners
    34649155 one of the random top 200 winners
    35794641 one of the random top 200 winners
    34659864 one of the random top 200 winners
    34651689 one of the random top 200 winners
    34554946 one of the random top 200 winners
    37043375 one of the random top 200 winners

    Russia 1

    3914695 one of the top 5 winners!
    6775205 one of the top 5 winners!
    7046195 one of the top 5 winners!
    20591298 one of the top 5 winners!
    30331970 one of the top 5 winners!
    16550086 one of the random top 200 winners
    24515622 one of the random top 200 winners
    11058753 one of the random top 200 winners
    24660985 one of the random top 200 winners
    14886462 one of the random top 200 winners
    23474005 one of the random top 200 winners
    20061101 one of the random top 200 winners
    32657512 one of the random top 200 winners
    15701780 one of the random top 200 winners
    18029902 one of the random top 200 winners

    Russia 2

    35458161 one of the top 5 winners!
    35500580 one of the top 5 winners!
    36991791 one of the top 5 winners!
    37123582 one of the top 5 winners!
    38391040 one of the top 5 winners!
    35643330 one of the random top 200 winners
    38437017 one of the random top 200 winners
    35652776 one of the random top 200 winners
    37309870 one of the random top 200 winners
    37521556 one of the random top 200 winners
    40132707 one of the random top 200 winners
    35459969 one of the random top 200 winners
    35459357 one of the random top 200 winners
    38295771 one of the random top 200 winners
    35576909 one of the random top 200 winners

    Scandinavia 1

    7935412 one of the top 5 winners!
    8925634 one of the top 5 winners!
    9822892 one of the top 5 winners!
    21380487 one of the top 5 winners!
    22653238 one of the top 5 winners!
    12560233 one of the random top 200 winners
    9982131 one of the random top 200 winners
    12161500 one of the random top 200 winners
    20660938 one of the random top 200 winners
    11765240 one of the random top 200 winners
    12283098 one of the random top 200 winners
    7891259 one of the random top 200 winners
    18991093 one of the random top 200 winners
    21370532 one of the random top 200 winners
    14737556 one of the random top 200 winners

    Spain 1

    7934126 one of the top 5 winners!
    8083856 one of the top 5 winners!
    14098880 one of the top 5 winners!
    25725456 one of the random top 200 winners
    17136402 one of the top 5 winners!
    8741442 one of the random top 200 winners
    21685309 one of the random top 200 winners
    12736532 one of the random top 200 winners
    17874772 one of the random top 200 winners
    24303275 one of the random top 200 winners
    7768345 one of the random top 200 winners
    12028773 one of the random top 200 winners
    15597584 one of the random top 200 winners
    13443287 one of the random top 200 winners
    18770590 one of the random top 200 winners

    Spain 2

    26387179 one of the top 5 winners!
    27470822 one of the top 5 winners!
    29989870 one of the top 5 winners!
    30941356 one of the top 5 winners!
    31399505 one of the top 5 winners!
    30157376 one of the random top 200 winners
    28431416 one of the random top 200 winners
    33426154 one of the random top 200 winners
    34738159 one of the random top 200 winners
    36672635 one of the random top 200 winners
    27599971 one of the random top 200 winners
    28628125 one of the random top 200 winners
    31074928 one of the random top 200 winners
    31634932 one of the random top 200 winners
    37380243 one of the random top 200 winners

    Turkey 1

    6959868 one of the top 5 winners!
    8278162 one of the top 5 winners!
    11572839 one of the top 5 winners!
    11775025 one of the top 5 winners!
    12041019 one of the top 5 winners!
    8951019 one of the random top 200 winners
    8910682 one of the random top 200 winners
    14302576 one of the random top 200 winners
    10524721 one of the random top 200 winners
    10502133 one of the random top 200 winners
    8977057 one of the random top 200 winners
    5330520 one of the random top 200 winners
    11230242 one of the random top 200 winners
    10892586 one of the random top 200 winners
    8733290 one of the random top 200 winners

    Turkey 2

    13174795 one of the top 5 winners!
    13668676 one of the top 5 winners!
    13802023 one of the top 5 winners!
    14499330 one of the top 5 winners!
    19249939 one of the top 5 winners!
    12638167 one of the random top 200 winners
    15652705 one of the random top 200 winners
    16685018 one of the random top 200 winners
    13537951 one of the random top 200 winners
    18362271 one of the random top 200 winners
    17428773 one of the random top 200 winners
    18378787 one of the random top 200 winners
    15219746 one of the random top 200 winners
    16820126 one of the random top 200 winners
    12887021 one of the random top 200 winners

    Turkey 3

    17752659 one of the top 5 winners!
    17778561 one of the top 5 winners!
    18414578 one of the top 5 winners!
    24169397 one of the top 5 winners!
    27015706 one of the top 5 winners!
    22957059 one of the random top 200 winners
    19796300 one of the random top 200 winners
    26227174 one of the random top 200 winners
    18024124 one of the random top 200 winners
    22984648 one of the random top 200 winners
    18217542 one of the random top 200 winners
    21614574 one of the random top 200 winners
    23689127 one of the random top 200 winners
    25312300 one of the random top 200 winners
    23492794 one of the random top 200 winners

    US East 1

    4852126 one of the top 5 winners!
    7415515 one of the top 5 winners!
    10571656 one of the top 5 winners!
    17795948 one of the top 5 winners!
    30561872 one of the top 5 winners!
    27673653 one of the random top 200 winners
    20567195 one of the random top 200 winners
    3890395 one of the random top 200 winners
    27109508 one of the random top 200 winners
    7944616 one of the random top 200 winners
    18265799 one of the random top 200 winners
    33300962 one of the random top 200 winners
    2130417 one of the random top 200 winners
    27700524 one of the random top 200 winners
    15552517 one of the random top 200 winners

    US West 1

    14310539 one of the top 5 winners!
    15535701 one of the top 5 winners!
    16296653 one of the top 5 winners!
    22385870 one of the top 5 winners!
    28542818 one of the top 5 winners!
    12244987 one of the random top 200 winners
    13937498 one of the random top 200 winners
    24035319 one of the random top 200 winners
    12276531 one of the random top 200 winners
    38022680 one of the random top 200 winners
    38897001 one of the random top 200 winners
    23208838 one of the random top 200 winners
    13118652 one of the random top 200 winners
    20513749 one of the random top 200 winners
    13116312 one of the random top 200 winners
Téma állapota:
Nem lehet további válaszokat küldeni.